baby photography, children photography, England, family photography, finland, inspiration, jo jackson photography, lapsikuvaus, lifestyle photography, mini sessions, oulu photographer, perhekuvaus, photographer, photography, UK, valokuvaus, vauva kuvaus

Top tips for a painless family photo shoot

I'm not going to lie. In pretty much every family photoshoot I've ever had there's been a moment where one (if not all) of the children involved give up and lose interest in what's going on. I try to reassure the parents, who look naturally concerned when their children are frowning at me and my… Continue reading Top tips for a painless family photo shoot

children photography, England, family photography, finland, inspiration, jo jackson photography, lapsikuvaus, lifestyle photography, oulu photographer, perhekuvaus, photographer, photography, UK, valokuvaus

Top tips for a painless family photo shoot

I'm not going to lie. In pretty much every family photoshoot I've ever had there's been a moment where one (if not all) of the children involved give up and lose interest in what's going on. I try to reassure the parents, who look naturally concerned when their children are frowning at me and my… Continue reading Top tips for a painless family photo shoot

children photography, family photography, finland, jo jackson photography, lapsikuvaus, lifestyle photography, oulu photographer, perhekuvaus, photographer, photography, UK, valokuvaus

Family photography in Epping Forest

It's been a hectic few months but I finally have some time to catch you up on my adventures with my camera over the summer. While we were in the UK I got to catch up with an old friend, her partner and their adorable daughter. We met up in Epping Forest, outside London, and… Continue reading Family photography in Epping Forest

black and white photography, children photography, family photography, finland, jo jackson photography, lifestyle photography, oulu, oulu photographer, perhekuvaus, personal, photographer, photography, UK, valokuvaus, York, Yorkshire

Black and white challenge

This last week a friend nominated me to take part in one of those online 'challenges' through Facebook. This time it was a 7 day black and white photo challenge. I figured it was worth a try, I'm trying to get back in the habit of taking photos everyday and thought it would be fun… Continue reading Black and white challenge

baby photography, children photography, family photography, finland, jo jackson photography, lapsikuvaus, lifestyle photography, oulu, oulu photographer, perhekuvaus, UK, valokuvaus, vauva kuvaus, York, Yorkshire

Joonatan is 1

  Last summer I took some photos of this handsome little chap when he was only a few weeks old and a few weeks back I took some new shots of him on the eve of his 1st birthday. He had a whale of a time showing me some of his favourite toys while his… Continue reading Joonatan is 1

children photography, family photography, jo jackson photography, oulu photographer, perhekuvaus, UK, York, Yorkshire

The days are long, but the years are short

Yesterday was Evie's last day at daycare for the summer. Ordinarily this would be met with whoops and cheers and unending questions about when will we be going to the beach? Can she go swimming today already? If it's the holidays, that means we can have ice cream before dinner, right? But yesterday, in the… Continue reading The days are long, but the years are short

children photography, England, finland, jo jackson photography, lifestyle photography, oulu photographer, perhekuvaus, photographer, photography, UK, workshop, York, Yorkshire

Photography Workshops for Mums

Calling all mums in Oulu and York!! Last year I launched my first ever workshop designed for mums who wanted to take better photos of their families by helping them understand their DSLR cameras and by helping them to approach family photography in a relatable and fun way. As the summer approaches I'm sure there are… Continue reading Photography Workshops for Mums

baby photography, children photography, England, family photography, jo jackson photography, lifestyle photography, maternity, photographer, UK, York, Yorkshire

UK Summer Sessions

My family and I will be in the UK for the last 3 weeks of July, I will naturally be bringing my camera with me and if you'd like to schedule a session for you and your partner, or your family or friends just get in touch! We can have fun at the seaside, at the… Continue reading UK Summer Sessions